
Quality - Meetings

During the 2019 - 2020 Academic Year, comprehensive works for accreditation were carried out. Through these works, the accreditation organisations to apply (FEDEK, MÜDEK, İLEDAK, TURAK, and STAR) were determined, and preliminary works for application were completed. 

In accordance with the quality and accreditation procedures, the course plans of all the active education programmes at our University were updated in the 2019 - 2020 Academic Year.  Within this framework, elective and compulsory courses were redefined by considering the minimum requirements.


The Academic Plenary Meeting for the Fall Term of the 2019 - 2020 Academic Year was held with the speeches given by our Rector, Vice-Rectors and Secretary General, and participation of our academicians. Through the meeting, the academicians were informed about the University’s academic procedures, courses, examinations, educational activities, and other relevant subjects.

The Academic Plenary Meeting for the Fall Term of the 2020 - 2021 Academic Year was held with the speeches given by our Rector Prof. Ali Murat Ferman, Vice-Rectors Prof. Kazım Sarı, Prof. Şeyma Aydınoğlu, Prof. Hamparsun Hampikyan, and Secretary General Asst. Prof. Murat Süslü, and participation of our academicians. Through the meeting, the academicians were informed about the University’s academic procedures, courses, examinations, educational activities, and other relevant subjects.

The Academic Plenary Meeting for the Fall Term of the 2018 - 2019 Academic Year was held with the speeches given by our Rector, Vice-Rectors and Secretary General, and participation of our academicians. Through the meeting, the academicians were informed about the University’s academic procedures, courses, examinations, educational activities, and other relevant subjects.

10:10 meetings are held on Mondays with participation of the representatives of all the academic and administrative units in the institutions. The agendas of these meetings consist of administrative processes. All the activities concerning the institution’s management/administrative processes are evaluated, and the remedial actions are taken in line with the needs.