Working Groups of the Quality Commission

Quality Commission Working Groups

Asst. Prof. Şirin HATİPOĞLU Faculty of Dentistry
Assoc. Prof. Mine DEMİRTAŞ Faculty of Communication
Asst. Prof.Özge ÜNLÜ Faculty ofMedicine
Asst. Prof.Serkan Yaşar ERDİNÇ Faculty ofEngineering-Architecture
Asst. Prof.Sabahattin Kerem AYTULUN Faculty ofEngineering-Architecture
Asst. Prof.Tuğçe Mine AKTULAY ÇAKIR Faculty of Fine Arts
Asst. Prof.Ayça ORALKAN Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Asst. Prof.Mehmet BAĞCI Faculty of Law
Asst. Prof.Jeta ALO Faculty of Arts-Sciences
Asst. Prof.Mustafa Süheyl POZANTI School of Health Sciences
Lecturer Selçuk Aydın BÜLBÜL Vocational School
Lecturer Sultan Nur KARABAĞ School of Foreign Languages

Adı-Soyadı Görev / Bölüm
Doç. Dr. Özge ULUĞ YURTTAŞ (Koordinatör) - İletişim Fakültesi
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Vedat Zeki YENEN Mühendislik - Mimarlık Fakültesi 
 Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Erdinç SULUKAN  Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi İsmail SEÇER Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Gözde MORGÜL İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi
Öğr. Gör. Ceren AKTAY ERYILMAZ Meslek Yüksekokulu

Prof. Tanay Sıdkı UYAR Faculty ofEngineering-Architecture
Prof. Burak BUYAN Faculty of Fine Arts
Lect. Hamiyet KIZIL School of Health Sciences
Prof. Tanses Yasemin GÜLSOY Faculty of Communication
Assoc. Prof. Naime Meltem ÇAKICI Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Assoc. Prof. Tuğba YAVUZ Faculty ofEngineering-Architecture
Asst. Prof.Abdurrahman YILMAZ Faculty of Arts-Sciences
Asst. Prof.Büşra DOĞAN Faculty of Dentistry
Asst. Prof.Serdal UĞURLU Faculty ofMedicine
Prof. Özgür Ömer ERSİN Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Asst. Prof.Melis OĞUZ Faculty ofEngineering-Architecture
Asst. Prof.Esra MUTLU Faculty ofEngineering-Architecture
Lecturer Uğur Güven ADAR Vocational School

Prof. Oğuz MAKAL Faculty of Communication
Prof. Evren AYRANCI Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Prof. Hamdi ÜNAL Faculty of Fine Arts
Prof. Mesut KAÇAN Faculty ofEngineering-Architecture
Prof. Ali Necip ORTAN Faculty of Law
Prof. Metin AYIŞIĞI Faculty of Arts-Sciences
Prof. Nail YILMAZ Faculty of Medicine
Prof. Emine SÖNMEZ Faculty of Dentistry
Prof. Dündar Okan YILLAR School of Health Sciences
Asst. Prof. Gülay Selvi HANİŞOĞLU School ofApplied Sciences
Lect. Gülşah GENÇER ÇELİK Vocational School
Prof. Erkut ALTINDAĞ Institute of Graduate Studies
Lecturer Fatih YÜCEL School of Foreign Languages

Asst. Prof. Vedat Zeki Yenen Faculty ofEngineering-Architecture
Asst. Prof.Dilaysu Çinar Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Serhat Butur Office of the Dean of Students
Res. Asst. Gönül Karabolu Faculty of Arts-Sciences
Res. Asst.Gözde Özyurt Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Res. Asst. Nihan Turan Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Res. Asst. Saadet Güven Faculty ofEngineering-Architecture
Res. Asst.Sedat Erol Faculty of Communication